If you are searching for a place where the main works of Italian Art of the 16th and 17th century is contained is Borghese Gallery. The works of art related to this period were gathered by Scipione Caffarelli Borghese, Cardinal and nephew to Paolo V Borghese, Pope from 1605 to 1621. Borghese museum in Rome is where you can discover this thrilling story.
The sculptures of Borghese Museum Rome
Borghese Museum in Rome is famous for it sculptures as the David by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. Another sculpture of the same author that made Italian art important all over the world and a reference point for anyone that works with art. One of the sculptures that can be included in this frame is for sure Apollo and Daphne. The story of this myth is recounted in Ovidio’s Metamorphosis. It is in fact a metamorphosis the one of Daphne, which is turned into a plant of laurel by her father, so that she could escape from the pressing attention of Apollo, madly in love with her. Come to see this passion at Borghese museum Rome and dream of this story during your visit.
Borghese Museum Rome no line ticket
In this sculpture exposed at Borghese museum Rome Bernini chose the climax of the action: the sculptural group represents Apollo from a very little distance from the escaping Daphne, when the last one is already beginning to mutate into the plant of laurel. Apollo is so in love with her that he will put on his head a little branch of the tree, branch that decorates the head of all the poets that takes inspiration by the god of the poetry. Bernini decided to put also this sculptural group on a lower base, so that the spectator is more involved in the scene. You can turn around the sculpture and see that the author projected it to be visible from all the different perspective: so that you have one million different sculptures in the same one. Do not miss this masterpiece and visit Borghese Museum Rome.