Spada gallery in Rome - Visit Palazzo Spada



Booking an entrance to the Spada Palace, visitors can see the Spada Gallery and the namesake palace avoiding long waitings at the ticket office. Address: Piazza Capo di Ferro 13, Rome

Closing date: every tuesday, the first sunday of every month (open but not bookable), 1st of January, 25th of December. Available time: from 8:30 am. The ticket is a daily ticket and it is possible to enter with this ticket from 8:30 am until closing time. The gallery closes at 7:30 pm. The ticket office closes at 7pm.
Full price ticket: 9,50 euros per person (6,50 euros + 3,00 euros of booking fees)

Half price ticket: visitors between 18 and 24 years old only with European passport.
Free entrance ticket: 4,50 euros. Have the right to enter with free ticket, children between 4 and 18 years  old (not completed).
Children: children under 4 of age (not completed) enter free, and they don’t need to be reserved.
Disabled people: enter free.

SCHOOLS: for schools guided tours, please contact office number +39 0552670402 or write a request to



THE PALACE – Spada Palace was built in the 1540 for the Cardinal Girolamo Recanato Capodiferro (1501-1559). Then the palace was bought in the 1632 from the Cardinal Bernardino Spada and instructed Francesco Borromini to modify it under the new baroque style.
Borromini created the masterpiece of the trompe-l’oeil of the false perspective at the entrance at the courtyard, in which the hight descending columns sequence  and the rising floor produce an optical illusion of a gallery of 37 meters long (the gallery has a length of only 8 meters); at the bottom of the gallery, in a sunlit garden, there is a sculpture  that appears quite to size but it is only 60 centimeters.
The palace has the most rich facade of the roman XVI century.
In the first ground there are statues of Traiano, Pompeo, Romolo, Numa Pompilio, Giulio Cesare, Augusto. Their undertakings are reproduced in the eight great panels which alternate with the windows in the background.
In the courtyard there are statues of Ercole, Mars, Venus, Juno, Jupiter, Proserpina, Minerva, Mercury, Amphitrite, Neptune and Pluto. The Palace holds a colossal sculpture of Pompeo Magno, sculpture believed to be the one at whose feet fell Giulio Cesare.

SPADA GALLERY – The private collection of the Cardinal Bernardino Spada includes paintings, ancient sculptures, furnishings and antique furniture. In the courtyard, visitors can see the Perspective Gallery made by the Borromini. 

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