Colosseum Tickets - book on line tickets for Colosseum in Rome

Colosseum Tickets 

Italy Travels offers different options to visit the Colosseum and the Roman Forum including the reserved entrance

  • Book your visit to the Colosseum & Roman Forum
     Colosseum entrance time guaranted
    includes entrance to the Roman Forum & Palatine Hill, Multimedia experience of Rome

    price from 8.00 euros
    book now
  • Full Experience: Colosseum + Arena
     Colosseum entrance time guaranted + Arena
    includes entrance to the Roman Forum & Palatine Hill, Multimedia experience of Rome

    price from 8.00 euros
    book now
  • Book your visit to Roman Forum & Palatine Museum
     Open daily reservation
    includes entrance to the Roman Forums & Palatine Museum, Multimedia experience of Rome

    price from 10.00 euros
    book now
  • Smart Colosseum Guided Tour - The Imperial Rome
    Reserved time entrance to the Colosseum
    includes guided tour to the Colosseum and Roman Forum,3 hours tour

    price from 59.00 euros
    book now 
  • Colosseum Tour with Exclusive Guide
     Reserved Entrance - Colosseum & Roman Forum 
    duration about 3 hours - any language on your choice - professional Guide
    estimate the tour
  • Imperial Forums  with Exclusive Guide
     Reserved Entrance
    duration about 3 hours - any language on your choice - professional Guide
      estimate the tour


Visit the Colosseum in Rome, book your experience!

A visit in Rome really cannot exclude a visit to the Colosseum. First of all, the Colosseum is the symbol of Rome and Italian ancient history. The Colosseum is located in the centre of Rome. The monument stands at the end of a street, in Via dei Fori Imperiali. Due to the presence of the Colosseum and other Roman ruins, the street itself is an open-air museum. Roman antiquities follow your sight at your right, while walking towards the magnificent Colosseum.

After visiting the Colosseum, using the same ticket you have bought on line, you can also visit the Roman Forum and the the external archaelogical area of the Palatine. Therefore this reservation will give you the chance to visit three important monuments of Rome with just one single ticket. The Colosseum is also known as Flavio Amphitheatre, as its construction was ordered by the Flavian dynasty. The reason why the amphitheatre was called "Coliseum" is not certain. Mmong the most plausible explanations the name "Coliseum" comes from a huge, colossal statue of Nerone that in ancient times was placed near the amphitheatre entrance.

The Coliseum has a long and compelling story, imprinted in every stone. The Colosseum is a monument that has had multiple functions over the centuries. Above all the Colosseum hosted gladiators' shows and 

naval battles! Even more in the arena there were also shows with wild beasts. Therefore the story of this extraordinary monumnet is absolutely worth listening to. 

The monument dimensions

The size of the Colosseum in its original plan boasted 52 meters high and 527 meters in perimeter. The amphitheater was well equipped with 76 entrances reserved for public access. On the arches to the right of the entrance you can still see the numbers above each entrance, in Roman numerals. In addition, there were for four entrances for logistics and services. This immense structure could accommodate a total of 50,000 spectators. 45,000 seated and 5,000 standing in the top area, which corresponds to the fifth level. In this section there were usually the slaves and the common people. 

To protect the public from the sun and the rain there was a complex removable protective structure called the “Velarium”. This was composed of triangles of transparent fabric and waterproof canvas. The triangles were connected by metal rings and the removable structure was controlled by pulleys, hoists and ropes which were operated by 300 sailors. Outside the Colosseum, 100 meters to the left of the entrance, you can still see the five cleats that secured the anchor ropes that held up the giant mobile structure.

The Shows in the Colosseum

The shows were organised during the summer for 18 hours a day. In contrast, during the winter only for 15 hours a day. Shows were planned two or three times a year in cycles of a week or more, but not every day. First of all beceuse the overall maintenance of the complex was very expensive.
In the mornings the fights took place with the wild beasts, lions, tigers, panthers, elephants, bulls, mastiffs dogs, bears, wild boars and gladiators. Weapons used included the trident, net, iron plated gloves and the Roman gladius sword which was about 70cm in length. 
In the afternoons the audience watched the gladiators fight. The battles did not always end in the death of one of them. Actually the gladiators were considered public figures very dear to the people. Therefore they did not welcome death.


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Colosseum Tickets


Colosseum tickets to visit the Colosseum in Rome useful information!
Advanced reservation for Colosseum is very reccomended to those who want to vist the Colosseum in Rome without waisting time. Actually the Colosseum is on ene the most visited monument in Italy.

During the Summer it is also possible to visit the Rome Colosseum in occasion of the special night opening. In this case, it is necessary to join a Colosseum Tour for this exclusive event. The Colosseum evening tickets include 45 minute guided tour run by a professional, licensed guide. The evening opening of the Colosseum is one of the most suggestive and unforgettable experience that visitors can live in Rome! Do not miss the "Colosseum under the Moon" event! Save the date and book Colosseum by night special opening! (not available in 2024)

The reservation for the Colosseum also include the entrance to the Roman Forum and the Palatine Hill. Both sites stand very close to the Colosseum. Therefore they can be easily reached on foot after visiting the Colosseum. The Roman Forum and the Palatine Hill can be visited using Colosseum entrance tickets on the same day.

Finally, for most demanding visitors, we suggest to book a Colosseum guided tour in English with exclusive guide service. The taylor-made, private tour to the Colosseum in Rome lasts about 3 hours. It includes professional guide service with a licensed guide and Colosseum skip-the-line access. For groups of more that 10 visitors, headphones are included as well. In this case visitors can choose the date and the starting time of the tour. Above all, they can ask the guide to customize the tour itinerary according to their preferences and needs.