Capitoline Museums ticket reservation

musei capitolini roma


The creation of the Capitoline Museums has been traced back to 1471, when Pope Sixtus IV donated a group of bronze statues of great symbolic value to the People of Rome. The collections are closely linked to the city of Rome, and most of the exhibits come from the city itself. 

Museum Address: Piazza del Campidoglio 1 - 00186, Roma

Open: every day, 9:30 am - 7:30:pm. On 24 and 31 December 9:30 am - 2:00 pm. The ticket office closes one hour before.

Closed: 1 January, 1 May, Christmas

Cancellation Policy - ATTENTION - Please Read Carefully
After booking, entrances to Capitoline Museums may not be changed, canceled, or refunded for any reason. This means that in case of no-show or cancellation, no refund is due under any circumstance.

Useful information to visit the Capitoline complex

Facilities and access

The cloakroom is located at the entrance of the museums. You can leave bags, pushchairs and umbrellas. The cloakroom service is free.

Inside the museums buggies are allowed.

Inside the museums you can find a bookshop with museum catalogues. The bookshop is accessible from Piazza del Campidoglio. The bookshop is open every day until 7:30 pm.

In the museum is not allowed to: take photos with a flash, use camcorders, bring pets, except for  in the carrier, eat or drink, carry luggages, carry umbrellas.

Disabled people can enter through a reserved entrance and use elevators and stairlift once inside. In order to use the special entrance door, usually closed for the public, please ask in advance.

campidoglio roma

Ancient Capitol: the Capitoline Hill is the smallest hill in Rome and was originally made up of two parts (the Capitolium and theArx) separated by a deep valley which corresponds to where Piazza del Campidoglio now stands about 8 metres above the original site.
 The sides of this hill were very steep and on account of the difficulty of reaching the top and the dominating position it enjoyed over the River Tiber, it was chosen as the city's main stronghold.

The main buildings faced the Ancient Roman Forum, from which a carriageable road known as the Clivus Capitolinus led up the hill to the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, the most important and imposing temple in Rome.
 In addition to this temple and those dedicated to Juno Moneta, Veiovis and in the Area Capitolina, the Capitoline Hill was the headquarters of the Public Roman Archive (Tabularium)and, in Republican Age, of the Mint.

Many ancient ruins can be seen along the Museums' exposition routes while others can be viewed in the open air on the hill where they still stand.

Piazza del Campidoglio'scurrent appearance dates back to the middle of the XV century when it was designed by Michelangelo Buonarroti
The piazza's component parts (buildings, sculptures and decorated paving) were intended by Michelangelo to form one single organic unity, although over the centuries there have been a number of alterations and additions.

Musée du Capitole

The Campidoglio Museums' beauty will be at first anticipated from the wonderful square which embraces the monumental complex.
Piazza del Campidoglio, in its current appearance, was designed by the great Michelangelo in the mid-1500s.
The Capitoline Museums boast the primacy of being considered as the "first museum in the world". It is intended as a place where art could be enjoyed by everyone and not only by the owners.
Fisrt, in 1471 Pope Sisto IV donated to the Roman a group of bronze statues. The collections were increased by successive pontiffs with works coming from the excavations of Rome, from the Vatican or purchased directly for the museum. The entire collection is located in two distinct places, connected to each other by an underground gallery that houses the Galleria Lapidaria: il Palazzo dei Conservatori e il Palazzo Nuovo.

Capitoline Museums in Rome: PALAZZO DEI CONSERVATORI

The renovation of the square was entrusted to Michelangelo. He also designed the facade of the Palace, but he never succeeded in finishing it.
Our journey inside the ancient begins entering the courtyard. First of all, on the right side we find the fragments of the statue of Constantine found in 1486. The estimated height of the statue had to reach 12 meters. Imagine that only the head measures 2.60 meters!
On the opposite side are the reliefs depicting the Provinces, coming from the temple dedicated to the emperor Adriano, deified after his death. After passing the colossal statues of the Dacians made of golden marble, we can continue our visit to the upper floor.
Among the reliefs on show, the most famous are the mosaics with tiger and calf, which have become the emblem of the Campidoglio and its museums.
The beauty of these two symmetrical panels stayes in the precision used for the mosaic which convays extreme dynamism.

The main floor is characterized by the beauty of the frescoes decorating the ceilings and walls. Among the most important works, there is the Statue of Pope Urban VIII Barberini. It was created by Gian Lorenzo Bernini between 1635 and 1640. This artwork is displayed in the Sala degli Orazi and the Curiazi.
Continuing our visit we arrive in the most important hall of the entire building: the Sala della Lupa. This space in antiquity was a loggia that opened towards the city. At the center of this room is the statue of the animal symbol of the city: the famous bronze Capitoline Wolf, donated by Pope Sisto IV.
An exceptional room was dedicated to a particular work: in 2005, the Esedra of Marco Aurelio emperor was inaugurated. The effect created by this new exhibition leaves you breathless, the light reaches the equestrian statue of the emperor and accentuates the authenticity and the golden bronze color. This huge statue is so important because it is considered the only equestrian statue of the classical era that has been integrated into the contemporary era.
Through the Galleria Lapidaria we go to visit the other part of this museum complex. This underground passage probably in antiquity had the role of an ancient state archive, of which we have no definite information.

Capitoline Museums in Rome : PALAZZO NUOVO

Also the design of this palace was created by Michelangelo with the portico on the ground floor and the orientation slightly oblique, so as to give a more precise symmetry to the Piazza del Campidoglio.
This building contains countless works located in these wonderful rooms. In the courtyard there are three colossal statues: Morforio, Pan and Marte.
During the pontificate of Cement XI numerous works that decorated the Egyptian pavilion, were acquired. Among the most representative works you can admire a large bell-shaped crater from the Villa Adriana and a series of animals depiting the emblem of the most important Egyptian deities: the crocodile, a sphinx, a scarab.
The structure of the second building is specular to the first. You enter the upper floor through a staircase that leads us into a series of rooms full of marble and much more.

One of the halls that stands out for its uniqueness, is definitely the Cabinet of Venus.
This small polygonal room, similar to a nymphaeum, frames the statue Venus Capitolina, found during the pontificate of Clemente X at the Basilica of San Vitale.
This statue, 1 meter and 93 centimeters high, is made of fine marble and represents a young woman just out of the bathroom intent on covering her nudity.
The environment enhaces this wonderful masterpiece, accentuating the grace of this young woman.
We stroll past numerous emperors and philosopher and after going through the hall we meet a very unique statue: the Red faun.
This statue, which gets its name from the color of its ruby red marble, represents the young mythological figure while dancing.
We end our visit with the last important room : the Galata hall.
The most well-known work of the entire collection is the central statue representing Galata Capitolino, a character that was mistakenly interpreted as a gladiator in the act of falling on his shield.
Other wonderful statues fill the room: the Wounded Amazon, Cupid and Psyche and the Resting Satyr.


Free tickets for the Capitoline Museums

Free ticket: children under 6 years of age, ICOM members, disabled people.

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ATTENTION: the ticket is no more open. Entrance time must be reserved in advance and be respected.
Price includes the reservation fee: 4,00 euros per ticket.


Call our staff for assistance, Monday-Friday, 10,00 am - 5,00 pm.

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